Court of Darkness

Obey your romantic fantasies in this magical, twisted fairytale!

Total ratings

4.15 (Rating count: 5,745)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Engaging stories and characters
  • Art and design are praised
  • Free to play with options to progress without spending money
  • Regular events and updates keep the content fresh
  • Easy-to-understand game mechanics
  • Bugs and glitches that affect gameplay
  • Ticket system can be restrictive
  • Issues with in-game purchases not going through
  • Lag and performance issues
  • Repetitive items in paid draws
Most mentioned
  • Glitches and bugs
  • Engagement with storylines and characters
  • Limitations of ticket system
  • Desire for more free options and rewards
  • Problems with in-game purchases
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.15
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Date Author Rating Comment
Pied Piper
I love this app, I really do. I use it almost daily and have for over a year. But sometimes these little glitches happen and there's no option to let the app know it's happening. I'll still keep playing, but I'll never forgive them. I have screenshots and everything, but no one to send them to and now all the work I've done for an event is for NOTHING
Veronica Ledford
If anything, I am a little too hooked on this game. It is technically free to play, but if you get really into it, it's really hard to stay F2P, and I wish they would throw in something where you can like watch ads to get gems in order to make it cheaper for the players, because I end up spending far too much money on it! But the stories and characters are very engaging, they've done a great job of world-building, and the avatar stuff is suprisingly addictive! Two thumbs way up!
Character profiles are flickering and chapter selection was displayed on the user creation page... There are some very strange bugs that haven't been ironed out yet. Music is on a 3 second loop that is very irritating. There doesn't appear to be an option to turn off the music and listen to voice acting only. Opening another app before reaching a checkpoint does not save any progress You have to start from the chapter beginning again.
Arianna Velasquez
I absolutely love this game!! Everything is just so neat about it, the art, the simple deign, the story. It's awesome. It's not like many other games I've played where they have so many other buttons it's like trying to find a needle in a hay stack trying to find the remotely right one. Also the tutorial isn't long almost at all. It really just covers the basics on what you need to know then that's all. The game is so exciting, 10/10 from me.
Opalynn Smith
I honestly love the stories in this! I do kind of wish it was easier to earn extra story tickets, however I guess that's mainly due to me being impatient to continue reading 😅. There are occasional times that some of the translation seems as of it's worded odd, but overall it's such a lovely app in my opinion. I also really enjoy the events, and that you can at least read basically a main version (not leaning towards any specific consort) of the story for free!
Ellis Petrucci (Lattelover)
I am OBSESSED with this game. I love everything about it. It's relatively easy to get tickets, coins, etc. Just by visiting the game, doing tasks etc. And I love how only the specific paths require love passes. You can read the entire storyline for FREE and as much as you want, which I'm going crazy for. The characters are well designed and so handsome and I could not be happier. I would only suggest, for events, you include AU stories like vampires, pirates, spies or even holiday/Christmas ☺️💜
Pretty alright visual novel. It has a story that can be read separately from the character routes. I don't know more about it though, because I don't care about a lot of the characters so I haven't been reading it. The character routes use the typical ticket per chapter method, where tickets regenerate even so many hours. It's not a great system but much better than others I've seen. I really wish some of the girls would get routes, but I don't think I've ever seen Voltage JP do a female LI.
Breanna Adams
I love the game, but when doing paid draws, it shouldn't be possible to get repeat items. If I'm spending money, their should be a guarantee of each draw resulting in a unique item. Also, we need more ways to spend crowns. I have over 1 million at this point. Another thing is that I wish there was an option to purchase event stories outright, at least after the event has ended. It seems a waste to have them vanish into the aether after the event period ends.
Meryl Stryfe
I absolutely love this game! So many things to discover and even though it's easier to progress if you pay, you can still totally complete everything for free if you want to. The characters actually have depth and the plot has many twists and secrets that you uncover throughout the different paths. I very highly recommend this game, especially since I want more chapters to come out lol
Julian Devorak
I love this game. The stories are great, the men are great (mostly, I don't like Guy). I just have a few minor issues that keep it from getting a 5 star review. 1. (Knight route spoiler) the story made it seem like the sigillum aranum imbedded in his chest was a major plot point, but his route never resolves it. That's weird and unsatisfying. 2. The game's gotten laggy 3. I want more options in the avatar shop than just the items needed for the routes. All of it comes from draws otherwise.
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