Tus Coach PRO

Developed to help those preparing for TUS work systematically

Tus Coach PRO

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Users: 139
Version: 1.0.0 (Last updated: 2021-06-14)
Creation date: 2021-06-14
Price: 5.99

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App summary

Tus-Coach; It was developed by me to help you, my esteemed colleagues, who are preparing for the Medical Specialization Exam, which is considered one of the most difficult exams in the world, to work within a certain system. The working system has been prepared on the basis that the repetition processes necessary for the formation of the permanent memory of our brain occur at optimum times.
The first four iterations are very important so that a piece of information can be stored in non-volatile memory and later recalled whenever desired without difficulty.
It is known that random repetitions can cause negative results over time rather than facilitating the learning process. For example, when you try to repeat a lesson after 2-3 months after studying once, you realize that you have difficulty remembering many vague points. Your success in exams will not progress as you would like. This makes you feel inadequate. This feeling lowers your motivation. As a result, you are stuck in a negative vicious circle that is very difficult to prevent.
It has been shown that in order for a piece of information to be stored in permanent memory, it must be repeated on the same day, one day, one week, one month and three months after it is learned. Although it seems difficult to adjust these repetition times in a difficult process like TUS, thanks to the algorithm I created, it can be repeated as many times as necessary.

In order to win TUS, first get rid of all your prejudices in your mind!!!
Realize the advantages of working within a particular system, and more importantly, BELIEVE!!!

In this study system, it is important to repeat the determined courses after appropriate periods rather than which course will come after which course. THE PROGRAM IS PERSONAL!!! For example, if a person who does not like to study pathology (especially if he has a tendency to give up easily) starts the program with pathology, this may complicate the study process. If a person in this situation starts to work in the branch of pathology after studying branches such as general surgery, obstetrics and internal medicine, he will realize that the branch he has difficulty in actually does not force him much.