The largest e-commerce site in the world, featuring more than (1100) products


App stats

By: J Design
Users: 10
Version: 1.0.1 (Last updated: 2022-03-15)
Creation date: 2022-03-15

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App summary

TTDAD, is one of the largest e-commerce sites in the Arab world, and includes more than (1100) products from various categories that include electronics, fashion, household products, watches, clothes, and others.
Today, TTDAD attracts more than 1,500 visitors per month, and is growing very rapidly due to the increasing number of online shoppers in the Arab world.
TTDAD operates as a retail and wholesale website in addition to serving as a marketplace for third-party sellers. TTDAD offers a convenient and secure shopping experience with online payment, cash on delivery, and free returns.