Tesla Radar

Become part of a global Tesla Spotting Community and see a Tesla global heatmap.

Total ratings

4.44 (Rating count: 38)
See reviews for Tesla Radar on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.44
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Date Author Rating Comment
Kevin Iles
It's a great fun way to track the Tesla's.near you. BUT the fun is spoilt by a select few who seem to make this there day jobs hanging out by ports or factory's and get most of the first seen for the cars. So unfortunately it almost makes it pointless because why bother. It was a good idea and a fun time to get alerted before these main actors came in. So unfortunately I'm going to uninstall.
Sebastian Endres
Schöne Idee, aber wenn man schon auf dem Congress Werbung dafür macht, dann sollte die App wenigstens open source sein. Zumal sie echt viel Daten sammeln kann.
Does exactly what it promises
James Beegle
Dev fixes bugs reported in Play Store reviews! Remember when developers cared about user feedback? I had forgotten and boy I miss it. Oh yeah, the app is neat, too.
Renegade Bobby (Renegade)
Issue does seem to have be resolved! Thank you. Loved the app when it is working properly.
Neil Manuel
Couldn't get past the third intro page to use the app!
Paul Garcia
How do i annotate individual cars in app pleaese? Found thanks. Great app. Is there a unique ID for each car in the list?
Cristian Gabriel Ionisoara
Spotted many Model 3.
Morten Mølbjerg Lund
Fixed issue I had with app quickly 👍
Gregory Thomson
Wants to access location all the time. Nice try. And... Uninstall.
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