TimeWorksPlus Employee

Employee time tracking and scheduling

Total ratings

3.34 (Rating count: 508)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and flexible for companies with a hybrid workforce
  • No ads in the app
  • Frequent login issues and inability to recover passwords
  • App often hangs or shows a blank screen upon opening
  • Requires multiple attempts to successfully clock in/out
  • Poor support and unresponsiveness to user issues
  • Clunky interface with limited functionality
Most mentioned
  • Cannot log in or recover login information
  • App often requires reopening to display information
  • Frequent errors with clocking in/out
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 3.34
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Date Author Rating Comment
TC Jerzy
App is always terrible...Cannot log in even if I had 10 special characters...πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
Mark Gallagher
Doesn't work ever since the latest Android update.
Forrest Cavale
Doesn't work on pixel 7, all ui at the top is unclickable, making the app unusable
Benzeel (BaldPipeSmoker)
Easy to use, but it loses a star because most of the time, when I go into it, nothing is displayed accept the tabs on the top. So I have to force stop the app, then reopen it. Fix that please!
Jarred Sink
No support, app barely works and keeps getting worse.
often have to open and close the app multiple times to get it to load, and recently I've become unable to see my time card at all.
mathew barrientez
Problem after problem with this stupid app. Some times it doesn't clock me in when I press it and recently it won't show me my time card. VERY DISAPPOINTING.
Mark Ryan
Just started using this and honestly, I had my doubts. But, as an employee, it's easy to use and flexible enough for companies who have a hybrid workforce to use and work with. Whomever in your office has admin rights can configure this to fit your needs, and, should an employee need to note their times, they can.
gary mccollough
Keep kicking me off and says incorrect username and or password when I try to log in. This is the 2nd time it's done this in the past 30 days. There's no option to recover the login information and it's extremely frustrating πŸ˜‘
Shawn Payer
Not bad. Gets the job done. Just 1 complaint. I'm not sure If everyone is having this problem but it takes 2 tries 90% of the time to open the app. 1st try the app opens but it's just a blank white screen. I gotta close it and reopen it Then I can use it as normal. Other than that it's great.
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