Energy Consumption Tracker

Graphical & list overview of energy consumption based on meter readings.

Total ratings

5.00 (Rating count: 169)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for tracking energy consumption
  • Decent analysis tools
  • Ability to download data to a spreadsheet
  • Full of bugs
  • Issues with exporting and importing data
  • Advertisements cannot be turned off
  • Lacks side by side Year on Year comparison
  • File type for import is not specified
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and technical issues
  • Import/export functionality problems
  • Useful data visualization tools
See reviews for Energy Consumption Tracker on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
Zoltan Palenik
Full of bugs.
ABJ photography & video
Leuke app, alleen jammer dat de ads niet uit te schakelen zijn, desnoods tegen een redelijke vergoeding
Frederik Vandervelden
Overall good app, pity the export does not work.
Cristian Boartes
Hello. I just installed your application and based on your format i created an CVS file with some consumptions i noted in excel and i am trying to import them. Even if in the csv. that i created there are a lot of entries, the app does not import the data. Is this not allowed ? As i have 2 years of data there i would like to use if because the graphs you have and the information I could extract is useful but i need to import the data.
A Google user
Took a while to work out how to use it, but now I think it's great there is more to it than I first thought.
A Google user
Good app, but doesnt have side by side Year on Year comparison (for each month) in table form to allow the user to see at a glance the difference in usage - which surely is essential!
A Google user
Doesn't specify file type for import and common types fail to work. Not much good for those of us compiling data in excel and looking to do it with a mobile device
A Google user
Really good app. Let's you download the data to a spreadsheet, but the app's analysis tools are also pretty decent. Would be better to have an interactive graph
A Google user
Later, gotta leave. Thanks
A Google user
Wondering what this does that an excel spreadsheet cannot do?