HOPE International

Inspirational resources to empower the leader inside you as you serve others.

HOPE International

App stats

Users: 757
Rating: 4.08
Version: 6.10.11 (Last updated: 2024-06-01)
Creation date: 2020-06-01

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App summary

This app will connect you to a culture of serving through HOPE International and our five mission fields.
- give you the opportunity to complete missionary training
- stay up-to-date on service opportunities
- receive notifications of events near you
- inspirational resources
- connect you to a team of like-minded people
- provide you with an easy way to give towards missions or outreach projects

User reviews

Dirty,stinks of old clothes and bedding
by Sylvia Kersey, 2024-12-04

Liked it but can't get the App up
by Jean Ray, 2024-08-31

The closest Hope International Store to me is about 9 miles away, but where we live it's really small small towns. So, everything and I literally, mean everything is very very small compared to a normal size town. Our, Walmart Store is in my own opinion, only a 1/4, of the size of a regular Walmart, and I DO NOT MEAN A SUPER CENTER WALMART, I MEAN, I LITERALLY, MEAN A OLD SCHOOL REGULAR WALMART!!
by TOSHA THRONE, 2022-12-29
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