Piano Instructor

Learn Piano easy and fast. Load your favorite MIDI files and play along.

Total ratings

3.34 (Rating count: 1,496)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for learning piano
  • Users enjoy the app's functionality and design
  • App helps in playing and guides the user effectively
  • Midi files not loading
  • Lack of instructions and guidance
  • Poor performance in recognizing notes
  • Confusing interface with too many menus
Most mentioned
  • Needs improvements in features such as song loading and note recognition
  • Mixed reviews on user experience and efficacy
  • Some users really love the app while others find it lacking
See reviews for Piano Instructor on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.34
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Rating filters

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40% (8)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mr. Cathcart
Tony vs Suction Hose 8:15.
A Google user
My favourite piano apps me usse 5 year se use kar raha hu
A Google user
I was going to lose my ears because of this. The songs are bad . And by the way that should not be named instructor because it doesn't give any instructions.
A Google user
Midi files not loading on note 4. Uninstalling
A Google user
Worst ever
A Google user
I really love it
A Google user
A Google user
A Google user
It's cool
A Google user
I luv this app it helped me alot
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