Nielsen Mobile App

Use your Android device to earn awesome rewards!

Total ratings

4.12 (Rating count: 12,236)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy, passive way to earn points
  • Good rewards available for accumulated points
  • Useful for some users, especially on laptops
  • VPN slows down internet connectivity
  • Frequent disconnections from the VPN
  • Poor customer support and troubleshooting
  • App causes phone to overheat and drain battery
  • Issues with logging in and account configuration
Most mentioned
  • App interferes with internet connection
  • Constant disconnections from the VPN
  • Difficulty in earning points as promised
  • Poor customer support responsiveness
  • App causes performance issues on devices
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.12
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Date Author Rating Comment
Elizabeth Beck
I really enjoy it overall. Easy, passive way to earn points. Only con is the VPN slows EVERYTHING down. I have to disconnect it to search on the internet and do things that need to load Update- I didn't get the weekly points so I guess doing this is a no no. Which is frustrating because I have to choose between the points or actually being able to use apps, internet, watch videos etc. I also noticed it'll disconnect on it's own randomly. Not cool
Patricia Meigs
Disconnects a LOT and/or then bugs the hell out of you roughly every 60 seconds which interrupts and interferes if you play a game, or trying to read or write email, posts, etc. It tells you to click to reconnect but then never takes you to the page you're supposed to go to. Thus, you rarely get the points they promise you so it takes a lot of months, even well over a year, to get enough points to do anything with!
MyHanh Dang
Update: I figured out what the problem was after clearing cache, force stopping, and uninstall ingredients for the umpteenth time. The permissions was somehow the culprit after allowing permissions I had no problem. Surprisingly, support didn't even bother to troubleshoot the app in any way. Love the panel but the support could be much better.
Johnathan Harris
They don't tell you you have to install a separate app and a VPN on the phone would be cool if they could just have it all on one app instead of 3 separate ones taking up a lot of device storage maybe it wouldn't disconnect every 5 mins collecting points is tough due to this.i have had this installed on 3 devices for 2 wks and only accumulated 1070 rewards points.f.y.i. not enough to even donate to so In my opinion results are low because apps have bugs so it's hard to earn points. D-
Stephanie Cosgrove
Earning rewards is easy on my laptop; however, the mobile app prevents so many sites from loading. It's so very annoying and frustrating. But turning it off on the mobile app only creates mind-boggling notifications to turn it back on. So now, when the mobile app refuses to allow a site through (not blocking for unsafe sites, just hanging up), I have to go to my laptop in order to access whatever site it is I'm trying to view. It's time consuming and often inconvenient.
Kyle Stein
Rewards are good, but app interferes with my internet connection so that I have to force stop it in order to load almost any webpages. It has gotten a bit better, but it's still very bad. And of course the help desk wants you to reinstall it 5 times rather than admit that it's a broken app. But it got me like $150 off a new laptop (used my rewards points for a Best Buy gift card) so I'm satisfied overall. And hey, it keeps me on my phone less!
Kevin Ozmon
Anytime I switch internet networks, specifically from wifi to mobile data, the VPN constantly disconnects. It literally sends me a notification every minute. I would tap the notification and go into the app, and the app would say I'm active and no action is required. I've checked all my settings and permissions, cleared my cache and data twice, uninstalled, reinstalled, and checked my settings and permissions again. Now the app doesn't get past the splash screen when I open it. Deleting for now.
Nitara Brown
So the app is useful and a good way to get rewards of various types, although this may vary as the points needed to get certain items can be high (But Gift Cards, Home Appliances, and other valuable & cool prizes based on the amount of points earned are available) The major downside of using this app I've learned is that your general internet connection will be very slow/spotty, especially on an Android device/phone it works great on my labtop. But awful on my phone. Luckily, this app is ok
Valerie Rill
After downloading this app to my phone, accessing websites became a waiting game because it took so long for them to open, if they actually did. My phone became sluggish, where it hadn't been previously. I couldn't even log into the app/extension on other devices. The idea of the app is nice but should work quietly in the background, not affect what's going on in the foreground.
Edwin Westfall
After creating a user name and password, it wouldn't let me log in. Kept telling me username and or password are wrong. Uninstalled it and downloaded it again. Same problem. After reading the reviews in the playstore, there are people who had that problem as far back as 2017. 6 years and they haven't fixed the problem. DON'T DOWNLOAD IT!!!
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