Moto Secure

Security and privacy. All in one place.

Moto Secure - All-in-One Security & Privacy App

"Moto Secure" is your all-in-one solution for managing your phone's security and privacy. It simplifies the management of network security, app permissions, and even includes a secret folder for sensitive data. With AI features like Enhanced security scanning and protection from online scammers, it ensures safe downloads from Google Play and adds an extra layer of protection against threats. Experience peace of mind with Moto Secure, tailored to your device and region.
Install from Google Play Store

App stats

Version: (Last updated: 2025-01-08)
Creation date: 2023-09-20


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App summary

Moto Secure is your go-to destination for all your phone's vital security and privacy features. We’ve made it easy. Manage network security, control app permissions, and even create a secret folder for your most sensitive data.

Leverage the power of AI-based features like Enhanced security scan and Protect from online scammers.

Whether it’s ensuring Google Play downloads are safe or adding an extra layer of protection, Moto Secure is all you need to keep threats at bay.
Features, functions, and design may vary by device or region.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Offers robust security measures
  • User-friendly interface
  • Includes features like malware scanner and network protection
  • Efficient performance enhances user experience
  • Privacy protection for personal files
  • Lack of app lock feature
  • Issues with app crashing and compatibility after updates
  • Limited user control over app pause durations
  • Some users question the effectiveness against advanced threats
  • Problems with hidden app functionality
Most mentioned
  • Need for app lock functionality
  • Crashing issues on recent updates
  • Desire for more robust privacy and security controls
  • User requests for secure folder improvements and additional features for organization
  • Mixed feelings about overall effectiveness against hacks or advanced malware
User reviews
by Anonymous, Invalid Date

Moto Secure is the Best feature that I found in my moto 50 edge fusion. Even the pause APP feature is good but the only problem is the apps gets active the next day... If only I had the control over the period till the APP remains paused it would have been much much better.
by Nilesh Valwaikar, 2025-01-26

I Love this App.. Moto you are the BEST. Your features are Awesome . The Security and all the other features that most phones don't have.. I LOVE MOTO.. ♥️
by Loretta, 2025-01-23
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