Moto Camera Tuner 4

Get the latest tuning parameters to improve camera quality.

Moto Camera Tuner 4 - Boost Your Camera Quality

"Moto Camera Tuner 4" is an application that provides essential tuning updates to enhance your camera's performance. It improves parameters such as color, contrast, picture noise, video noise, and sharpness. This app does not feature a user interface and is not standalone; instead, it integrates improvements directly with your camera hardware, ensuring that any application using the camera benefits from these upgrades.
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App stats

Version: 1.21.40 (Last updated: 2023-06-05)
Creation date: 2021-02-18


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App summary

Moto Camera Tuner 4 provides camera tuning updates to improve color, contrast, picture noise, video noise, and sharpness. It is not a standalone app and has no UI. Rather, it applies these improvements to the camera hardware so that any app that uses the camera will be improved.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • The app appears to be improving with updates, allowing for better quality photos.
  • In bright daylight, the camera can take good quality photos.
  • Some users report that higher-end Moto phones have great camera hardware.
  • Many users report consistent issues with blurry photos.
  • The camera struggles with focusing, especially after recent updates.
  • There is significant lag when opening the camera and capturing images.
  • The post-processing often results in photos that do not match the intended shot.
Most mentioned
  • Blurry photos
  • Focusing issues
  • Lag in photo capture
  • Poor performance in low light conditions
User reviews
by Anonymous, Invalid Date

I have had times where the camera would just stop. It would exit camera mode. I wound up having to install Open Camera just to have a working camera. It did seem to resolve if I restarted the camera. Currently, it is not doing that, but I hardly use it anymore, because I don't want to take a chance on a missed shot.
by Jim Petersen, 2024-10-31

I'm not quite sure what happened but for the past month all my pictures are coming out blurry! It has ruined so many of my shots and requires your immediate attention. This problem needs to be addressed in a timely manner or I will uninstall it! It used to function fairly good as I said I don't know what happened but it needs to be fixed ASAP.
by Cathy Michalake, 2024-06-28
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