Device Help

Device help provides you with a full spectrum of service resources.

Device Help - Comprehensive Support for Your Device

"Device Help" is an essential Android app providing users with comprehensive support through Moto Care for warranty management, troubleshooting guides, hardware tests for device components, and multiple contact options for assistance, including chat and social media support.
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App stats

Version: (Last updated: 2025-01-06)
Creation date: 2014-03-17


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App summary

Get help and support with Moto Care, Learn, Hardware test, Repair service, and Contact us.


• Moto Care – Check your device warranty status or buy an extended warranty and accident protection (US only)

• Learn – How to use your phone and fix issues

• Hardware test – Check the operation of hardware components, including battery, touch screen, speakers, cameras, Wi-Fi, and sensors

• Contact us – Contact support via chat (some models only,) Messenger & WhatsApp (some countries only,) Twitter, and user forums (English, Spanish, and Portuguese)

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App is perceived as spyware and invades privacy
    • App causes significant issues with device functionality and system updates
    • Constantly requests permissions without user consent
    • Leaves users unable to uninstall or disable the app easily
    • Frequent unwanted notifications that cause concern among users
    Most mentioned
    • Spyware and privacy invasion concerns
    • Poor app functionality and technical issues
    • High level of permissions requested
    • Difficulty in uninstalling the app
    • User frustration and lack of effective support
    User reviews
    Don't trust this app it's spyware and just another way to invade privacy we need better protections against spyware like this and people need to push back against it this app is terrible and privacy invasion no good
    by Jay, 2025-02-02

    Device help I need device help someone requested something to tell me about 611 but it gets no help with them what's the use to call in 611 I've been trying to delete some of the things that come on my Gmail I don't know how to get into my documents with my lease and everything that was stolen like my email addresses was stolen
    by Dontaia Rivers, 2025-01-22

    The Update Screwed up Everything on My phone, that I had no trouble using. Not I just had open heart surgery , and I can't get to My Drs or maybe even medical emergencies. It's Terrible , it's stressing me out panic attacks it's just too stressful for me. Looking for better handling services. Help ??? Please.
    by Gina Jackson, 2025-01-16
    View all user reviews