Technical Indicators

Technical Indicators Dictionary And Examples

Technical Indicators - Trading Guide & Dictionary

"Technical Indicators" is an Android app that serves as a comprehensive dictionary for traders, offering detailed information on popular technical indicators. It helps users understand how to effectively utilize these indicators in stock and Forex market analysis, read oscillators, and interpret trading signals. By using this app, traders can enhance their market analysis skills and improve their trading strategies.

App stats

Downloads: 123,322
Rating: 3.83
Version: 1.0.5 (Last updated: 2013-04-18)
Creation date: 2010-07-16

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App summary

The Technical Indicators Dictionary is your place for finding useful information on the most popular technical indicators available. It is designed to introduce the concept of technical indicators and explain how to use them in your analysis. It also shows how to read oscillators and explain how signals are derived. If you are in the stock or Forex market, this information will help you be a better trader.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful tool for beginners
  • Good explanations and graphics
  • Simple and clear information about technical indicators
  • Compact and full of relevant content
  • Lack of zoom functionality for easy reading
  • Limited language options for information
  • No technical analysis on 1h and 4h timeframes
  • Text cannot be copied
Most mentioned
  • Good for beginners
  • Clear explanations
  • Useful app for understanding technical indicators
User reviews
I wish it could be zoomable for easy reading.
by A Google user, 2016-10-14

Useful tool for beginners it is give strong clue where to star trading.
by A Google user, 2016-09-27

Awesome explanations. Good graphics. Better insight information.
by A Google user, 2016-04-22
View all user reviews