Venezuela Dollar within reach of an App
EnParaleloVzla: Real-time Dollar Tracker in Venezuela
"EnParaleloVzla Dólar Venezuela" is an essential Android app that provides real-time average dollar prices in Venezuela. It updates every 30 minutes and includes crucial market insights at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM daily. Users can access different dollar exchange rates such as the parallel market, BCV rate, and utilize a handy calculator. All data is public, ensuring transparency for all users looking to stay informed on dollar fluctuations in the Venezuelan market.
App stats
By: DragonCoders
Rating: 4.03
1 new ratings
Size: 59.80M
URLs: Website ,Privacy policy
# 74,031
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App summary
Dollar average in Venezuela
In our APP you can find the price of the dollar in Venezuela.
To the Dollar exchange
Real-time average (every 30 minutes)
and at 9:00AM and 1:00PM of the current day and previous day
Dollar Monitor
Parallel Vzla
*All data shown here is public!
User reviews
Por favor, traten de no tapar con las letras los céntimos, del resto todo bien