Makeen - Memorize Quran Deeply

To memorize the Quran deeply in the long-term memory and in an interesting way.

Total ratings

4.72 (Rating count: 2,385)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Effective memorization method for the Quran
  • No ads, enhancing user experience
  • Spaced repetition feature is beneficial
  • User-friendly and unique application
  • Positive impact on users' ability to memorize
  • Lack of notifications for review sessions
  • Need for word-by-word translation
  • Sura ordering issues causing frustration
  • Limited features for tracking progress and statistics
  • Night mode not fully implemented across the app
Most mentioned
  • Request for word-by-word translation
  • Desire for additional features like notifications
  • Sura ordering and navigation issues
  • Positive sentiment towards memorization effectiveness
  • Wish for availability on iOS
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.90
All time rating average: 4.72
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mahmudul Hasan (Ferdous)
It will be better if you add word by word translation.
جمال عبد الناصر الهويش
It's my first time that I feel I completely memorized holy Quran In the past I still fear of Lossing And I count my level of memorizing But now I recognized that I memorize , I see how much percent I got May Allah reward you heaven
An excellent app but the algorithm becomes tiring for me sometimes making me go back constantly.
Maria Lachachi
It's very good alhamdullillah but it would be better if there was an option of getting notification when it's time to review inchaa'allah
Lhoussine El manoug
A great App. It's unique, and there's no other App that does the same. May Allah make it in your balance of hassanat. I would love to see the same App in iOS as well. Barakallahu fikom.
Mohamad Abd El Aziz
Very good. I noticed that the app uses spaced repetition. However, adding reminders that help keep users on track might help a lot. Also, sometimes backtracking while studying new verses can go on for too long, even if I did well on the following verses previously. Adjusting this might also help greatly. Update: The number of verses or words between consecutive mistakes could be made configurable in the application to match everyone's personal preferences.
Amiina tii
First i want to thank the team jazakum allah khayran .i want just to know if the app is supposed to send daily notifications for daily memorization/revision because i dont receive any. If not please add these notifications so that i could know if its time to review my old memorised surat or i shall continue the current one and so on .baraka allah fikoum wa jazakoum allah khayran
husain africa
Super , fast and most reliable way to memorize quran. Thank you. If you add colors in the letters for ahkam rule. Will be more beneficial. Review Please add tajweed color code in words for easy tajweed rules. Please. Also add page no. With aayat no. And add misri haf if possible. Thanks
Abdelali Laaguidi
This method of memorizing is new to me I really liked it, I wish If I could use it on other things for example to memorize hadiths and so on.
Soundous Mekkaoui
The application is excellent, but it needs to add a login feature to our accounts, so that when we remove the app and re-download it, we do not run into the problem of re-memorizing the surah again.
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