Chess Traps Pro

Chess Traps and tricks application.Just free.

Chess Traps Pro - Master Chess Tricks & Traps

"Chess Traps Pro" is an Android app designed for chess enthusiasts, featuring over 1000 traps across more than 50 chess openings. Enhance your skills and improve your Elo score with strategic traps and tactical themes. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, this app can transform your chess experience, helping you outsmart your opponents. Rediscover your game and elevate your play with insights drawn from classic and modern chess strategies.
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App stats

By: Kodflex
Users: 87,118
Rating: 2.89
Version: 0.0.8 (Last updated: 2020-03-22)
Creation date: 2017-11-03
  • receive data from Internet
  • view network connections
  • full network access
  • prevent device from sleeping


Other platforms

Chess Pro (v3.3.2)
3.81 (97) 20,000
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App summary

Chess Traps and Tricks

Thanks to this application, which contains more than 1000 chess traps, your chess score and your perspective on chess will change. ! Because it contains many traps of more than 50 chess openings. You can think of the application as a book of chess traps.


- Get the app before challenging your friends.
- The application will have a positive effect on your elo score.
- Chess traps help you improve your chess skills.
- It will be of benefit to you because it contains many tactical themes.


- You are your biggest opponent. With this application, you can rediscover yourself.


Chess Traps Pro can be used by players who love chess and those who love it.

With the Chess Traps Opening List, you can see free chess games. good games.

• Alapin Opening - 6 Traps
• Alekhine Defense - 20 Traps
• Hungarian Opening - 2 Traps
• Beyer Gambit - 1 Traps
• Bird Opening - 20 Traps
• Borgasman Opening - 9 Traps
• Caro-Kann Defense - 20 Traps
• Catalan Opening - 3 Traps
• Dunst Opening - 9 Traps
• Opening of the Netherlands - 10 Traps
• Elephant Opening - 15 Traps
• Hortwiz Defense - 6 Traps
• French Defense - 40 Traps
• Grob Opening - 10 Traps
• Grunfeld Defense - 20 Traps
• Indian Defense (West) - 30 Traps
• Indian Defense (East) - 23 Trap
• Two Knight Defense - 33 Traps
• English Opening - 32 Traps
• Scandinavian Defense - 29 Traps
• Italian Opening - 38 Traps
• Kotov-Robatsch Opening - 2 Traps
• Larsen's Opening - 6 Traps
• Lithuanian Opening - 10 Traps
• Center Opening - 54 Traps
• Nimzo-Indian Defense - 25 Traps
• Nimzovich Defense - 11 Trap
• Owen Defense - 8 Traps
• Petroff Defense - 32 Traps
• Philidor Defense -25 Traps
• Pillsbury Defense Rat - 2 Traps
• Pirc Defense - 10 Traps
• Opening of Poland - 10 Traps
• Reti Opening - 30 Traps
• Ruy Lopez Landing 1-39 Trap
• Ruy Lopez Opening 2-39 Trap
• Sicily Defense 1-50 Traps
• Sicily Defense 2-50 Traps
• Slav Defense - 30 Traps
• St Georgeirminghamaker - 5 Trap
• King's Knight - 6 Traps
• King's Gambit - 40 Traps
• King's Indian Defense - 41 Trap
• King's English - 15 Traps
• Three Knight's Opening - 15 Traps
• Queen Gambit - 40 Trap
• Queen Gambit Accepted - 18 Traps
• Queen Pawn Game - 40 Trap
• Vienna Game - 20 Traps
• Pirc Maroczy Opening - 10 Traps
• Von Der Lasa Gambit - 2 Traps

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great app for learning opening lines and traps.
  • Very useful for intermediate chess players.
  • Well designed with a good overall concept.
  • Excessive ads that disrupt the user experience.
  • Many buttons don't work on certain devices.
  • Lack of user instructions and narrative explanations.
  • App is not functional offline.
Most mentioned
  • Annoying ads
  • Need for better button functionality
  • Desire for dark theme option
  • Request for more features like marking favorite traps
User reviews
জনাব গেম টা খুব সুন্দর ভাবে সাজানো হয়েছে, কিন্তু গুটিগুলো অনেক পুরানো আমলের এটা চেঞ্জ করে দিন। Mr. The game is very well designed, but the bits are very old fashioned, please change it.
by smap pcm, 2022-07-30

5 stars to raise the average cause it worth more than the actual 3.3 and despite the downs (bugs and advs) I find it useful and cool
by Giovanni Caruso, 2022-06-17

Many of the buttons don't work on Samsung a30s, and the board and background are so bright that it hurts my eyes. (Dark theme would be nice, if that's what the buttons that don't work do)
by Y K, 2022-03-19
View all user reviews