Antenna Analyzer

Mini60s antenna analyzer

Antenna Analyzer - Mini60s SWR Assistant

"Antenna Analyzer" is an Android application designed for analyzing antenna SWR with the Mini60s device. Ensure Bluetooth is on and your device is paired with the Mini60s to get started. The app currently searches for a paired device named MINI60S and allows you to select predefined scan frequencies for 10, 20, 40, or 80 meter Ham Bands. Configuration options are coming soon to enhance functionality.
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App stats

Users: 19,621
Rating: 3.73
Version: 2.3.1 (Last updated: 2022-02-11)
Creation date: 2019-10-25
  • view network connections
  • pair with Bluetooth devices
  • access Bluetooth settings
  • full network access
  • run at startup
  • prevent device from sleeping


Other platforms

AmazonGPT Pros & Cons Analyzer (v0.0.0.5)
5.00 (3) 612
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App summary

Application for analyzing antenna SWR with the Mini60s.

Ensure the device is paired to the Mini60s analyzer.
Ensure bluetooth is turned on.
Application currently searched for paired device named MINI60S.
Select any of the predefined scan frequencies for 10, 20, 40, or 80 meter Ham Bands.

Configuration coming soon...

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Smooth operation
  • Easy to find for the equipment
  • Works fine
  • Basic functionality is present
  • Lost useful features in the latest version
  • Bluetooth connection issues with certain devices
  • Unexpected errors during connection attempts
  • Limited to only showing SWR
Most mentioned
  • Bluetooth connection problems
  • Unexpected errors
  • Loss of capacitance and inductance information
  • Basic functionality but needs improvement
User reviews
Great 4 lojk
by Bryan Clarke, 2024-10-21

What happened to ask the other information? The older version of this would show capacitance and inductance.... That was useful! Latest version and all that is gone. Even on the paid version! Bring that info back and it'll be a 5 star again
by The Seth M. Peters, 2023-10-25

by Samboy Flores, 2023-08-12
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