Master Sorter: Match Goods

Master and sort the challenge of goods in our matching & puzzle games

Total ratings

3.89 (Rating count: 56)
See reviews for Master Sorter: Match Goods on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.75
All time rating average: 3.89

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38% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Annette Bova
Why so many ads
Ripley Sephiroth
Such a great concept and good graphics ruined by ads every five seconds.
Dimakatso Lechuti
I don't like it. Unsteady pictures.
Azaan Mehar
990000000 billion views
Winnie Ansaldo
Wow, it's been a long time since I've played a game this clunky and poorly designed!
Donna Bradford
I EVERY HAD THE PROBLEM IN READING THE WORDS, & I had my reading glasses on, & it wasn't great to try to read. Sincerely, DJ Bradford
Deborah Milton
Just downloaded. Will be uninstalling. Haven't even played one game because you only get half the playing board. Ads stuck in the middle of board and you can't close them..
Izabel Capela
Hayhello!!!! A Technical Techniques, Of Co-Ordinations. Like Simple Antiques, Who's Can Organise Any Nations. FroMe OORACLING'S Izabel Capela's*Oracling's Syre Medium DejaVues Premonitions Tranzes A Matriarch Matrix Matriarchal 😎 👌.