Book reins of the heavens and the earth, with the insured - the author Muhammad Yunus Albalnbura Fort
مقاليد السموات والأرض - تطبيق أدعية وشفاء
"مقاليد السموات والأرض" هو تطبيق أندرويد مخصص لشيخ محمد يونس البلنبورة، يضم أدعية سهلة تقرأ صباحًا ومساءً، إضافةً إلى الأسماء الحسنى وآيات الشفاء. يتضمن التطبيق آيات للوقاية والسكينة، وأدعية الاستعاذة، مما يساعد على تعزيز الروحانية والسكينة النفسية لمستخدميه.
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App summary
It contains statements, Sheikh Mohammad Omar Albalnbura of enacted easy supplications that read morning and evening; beautiful names; healing verses; verses prevention; verses tranquility; verses score; Almngjiat; prayers isti'aadhah; description Rahman super words.
User reviews
- Very useful application for daily zikr and adkar
- Excellent content with valuable duas
- Convenient to have the book in app form
- Highly appreciated by users
- Blurry picture resolution
- Lack of English version
- Writing is not clear and could improve in quality
- No pagination in the index
Most mentioned
- Usefulness of the app for daily prayers and duas
- Overall positive feedback on the app
- Desire for improvements in clarity and features
User reviews
This is the most useful adkar book I have ever seen.
Verey good app
The pic resolution is blurry!