Paplinko - Pachinko Game

Crazy fun bouncing ball game!

Total ratings

3.67 (Rating count: 23)
See reviews for Paplinko - Pachinko Game on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.67

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44% (4)
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11% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
Glen Rhoten
Love the game. Says no ads available for free balls. Then plays 2 ads in a row. Seems dishonest.
perry halstead
I LOVE this game...ONLY thing I dont like and isn't fair is that the Purple Slime takes ALL of your multipliers and it resets at 1%. The Green slime only takes half of your score. The purple slime should also only take half.
Travis Nuss
Please update the audio quality and also improve the graphics. Used to really love this game!
What happened to this game
I loved playing this game years ago. It's great to pass the time! This game is pretty fun and.. ToTally NOT rigged!! It's your fault that the ball fell down the wrong hole!! Some features sometimes don't work, but it's not bothered much
Jayson De Dios
I really missed this game. Still fun!
Korben Lee
It's definitely a favorite for years now, but I wish there was a way to save progress!
Noorul Iman Binte Muhammad Sayeed
This game was my childhood
Prince Zamir Lorica
I am so Estatic! can you add cyan slime that loses 10 balls for players? my childhood memories is back!