EF English Live

Learn English faster

Total ratings

3.35 (Rating count: 4,498)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Excellent content for learning English
  • Private classes with helpful teachers
  • User-friendly and fast app
  • Useful for improving English skills
  • Poor customer support and refund policy
  • Frequent login and access issues
  • Limited content compared to the website
  • Technical issues with app updates and synchronization
  • Audio and usability problems
Most mentioned
  • Issues with customer support
  • Login/access problems
  • Content differences between app and website
  • Technical errors and app reliability
  • Quality of lessons and teaching experience
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.35
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35% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
I subscribed, tried it out, and decided to cancel within a few days. I requested a refund based on their customer satisfaction policy, which promises a full refund if users aren't satisfied. Customer support replied with, "We don't provide refunds and good luck!" They didn't even ask why I was unhappy with the platform!
Amani AlGhnam
The support is very bad. Only one person decides if you can enter the course also no clear payment plans . You have to call the call center to get the price and if the person didn't like to give you a price he will simply refuse your request. Very bad experience
Paulo Ribeiro
No support. Password doesn't work. No login! This app is terrible. It always ask you to login, but it often fails
Hoy 3 junio, y desde el 21 de abril 2023 me tienen sin accesso eso si me han cobrado las mensualidades sin importarles, ayer presisamente me cargaron otra mensualidad excelente negocio para ustedes!! Today June 3, and since April 21, 2023 they have me without access, that if they have charged me the monthly payments without caring, yesterday they just charged me another monthly payment, excellent business for you!!
Kain Alsabray
Itis a good app but there are some problem first,the app is out over when you lose your internet. second ,sometime there are many student in class so you can't complete your class.
Ravenna Santos
The app isn't that good, I paid and tried to enter the class and kept saying there was an error and I tried to make my test and I couldn't get my results
Sadam Alrefay
They haven't updated the lessons, the group classes are a bit useless, when 8 student participate 40 minutes you don't have time to speak. However private classes are great and the teacher so helpful. In general Ef provides a better strategies than the used in others.
Sanae Mokhliss
Very slow app.. it doesnt contain what the site claims. No support service. I emailed them with my questions but didnt get any answer.
Edgardo Lizcano
It shows me the following error: your version of the application is out to date, please install the last version, but when I tap on the " update" option it takes me here but there is no option to update the app. App store only shows "uninstall" and "open" but when I tap on "open" it takes me back to the app and again the same error, need help
unstoppable b
This app is absolutely unreliable. First of all is almost impossibile to find this app if try to download it through your tablet. The website is super slow. I am going to write a complaint.
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