Always Sunny: Gang Goes Mobile

The official IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA game - make cash idle game style!

Always Sunny: Gang Goes Mobile

App stats

Downloads: 619,506
Version: 1.4.17 (Last updated: 2023-07-27)
Creation date: 2019-07-17

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App summary

Tap your way through the worst bar in Philadelphia! Team up with The Gang from It's Always Sunny -- Mac, Dennis, Charlie, Dee, and Frank -- a hilariously dysfunctional, self-obsessed bunch of characters, and start businesses to launder Frank's money.

Tap through your favorite scenes from the Emmy® nominated, acclaimed FXX hit TV show IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA. Go on hilarious adventures with your favorite characters and guest stars as they try to transform the worst bar in Philadelphia into the best bar! Build fun schemes that The Gang disguises as legitimate businesses, collecting cards and cash along the way.

While Mac, Dennis, and Dee bicker and backstab over ways to make an easy buck from customers, Frank tasks Charlie with collecting the cash and hiding it in a safe place. As each new business finally hits its stride, all of their money goes up in flames. It turns out that Charlie's favorite “safe place” -- the back-alley dumpster -- seems to constantly catch fire.


Tap, touch, and play with your favorite characters from the TV show, like Couch Frank, Wildcard Charlie, Erotic Memoirs Dennis, Fight Milk Mac, and Pink Eye Dee! Your favorite supporting characters are on fun new adventures, including The Waitress, Rickety Cricket, The McPoyles, and more (Rum Ham!!!)! Upgrade your characters and businesses to make even more money for Charlie to collect (and accidentally burn!).

Tap through classic stories from the hilarious TV show and experience cringe-worthy new adventures - in a fun idle game style. Hang out with Mac, Dennis, Dee, Charlie and Frank behind the bar at Paddy's, in Charlie's apartment, under the bridge, and many more memorable locations from the TV show.

Manage Paddy’s Pub and cook up idle money-making schemes like Kitten Mittens, the Virgin Mary Stain, Electric Dream Machine, and more! Help the Gang exploit fools, backstab each other, give in to their worst impulses to convince hapless customers to hand over their cash! The more money you make, the more businesses you can build.

Transform all of The Gang’s crazy businesses into idle money-making machines! Idle clicker games are known for their relaxed play style. Automate businesses so that Mac, Dennis, Dee, Charlie and Frank can keep collecting cash even when you aren't playing. Upgrade characters and businesses by collecting cards that help you to increase the money-making capabilities of each idle business. With your help, The Gang will become true idle tycoons!

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Please note that this game is free to download and play, but some game items are available for purchase using real money. A network connection is required to play the game.

Always Sunny: Gang Goes Mobile TM & © 2018 Fox and its related entities. All rights reserved.

Always Sunny: Gang Goes Mobile is brought to you by Eastside Games, the same studio that brought you the wildly successful Trailer Park Boys idle game.

User reviews

Lost my years of data??? I quit this game a while back because it crashed so badly I had to reinstall. When reinstalling, I tried to connect with Google Play, wouldn't let me. I gave up, now I'm back to try again and it's the same. Starting all over when I used to have literal hundreds of hours of data.
by Aaron Callahan, 2024-11-02

I enjoy the show and this game is decent to come and go. They finally fixed game play but can't figure out the MOST BASIC PART of ad based games: giving the rewards. DO NOT PLAY. It just constantly boots you out of the game and never gives the rewards promised. Been a known issue for months and the lazy programmers just send little boosts saying "working on it". Every, EVERY other game in the market has it figured out. Why can't you?!
by Nich T, 2023-03-19

New issue - haven't been able to log in for 2 days now. Very irritated and about to just delete the game. Update: Y'all fixed the glitch and went above and beyond to fix the issue. You guys rock! Very irritated. I enjoyed the game because of my love of the show. Now the events won't collect any money and I'm stuck. Why play a game I can't do anything on? Fix the glitch, please.
by Crystal Miller, 2022-01-16
View all user reviews

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