Flutter Demo

A beautiful App designed with Material Design by using Flutter.

Total ratings

3.80 (Rating count: 70)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful UI
  • Helpful for learning Flutter
  • Good examples of basic widgets
  • Limited functionality
  • Crashes on certain actions
  • Code issues and typos present
Most mentioned
  • Need for more features
  • Request for code sharing
  • Issues with Sliver AppBar
See reviews for Flutter Demo on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 3.80
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Rating filters

5 star
68% (13)
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5% (1)
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16% (3)
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5% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
John Vogel
interesting to see the UI, but very limited use and crashes on two swipe lefts. concept may of been good for 2019, but expections for a flutter for a demo are higher in 2022.
Sai Kiran Reddy
Just as discribed
Prof. Dr. Santhosh Kumar Rajamani
No code just boxes and menus.
A Google user
Thank You Developer We Needed This App You Make Really Good Apps
A Google user
i really liked it designing is pretty high
A Google user
Is what it says. I love it.
A Google user
Sliver appbar is incomplete. the sticky, floating, etc is not working. Typos present as well (Choice... not choise). clean up your code, typos, and add a few more widgets and you'll have a much better demo.
A Google user
Good work, with basic widget examples
A Google user
great job, can you please share code with me :-)
A Google user
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