Plasma - Blood Donation

Plasma is a blood donation app that connects donors with those in need.

Plasma - Blood Donation App in Iraq

"Plasma - Blood Donation" is an innovative Android app designed to facilitate blood donation in Iraq. It connects potential donors with individuals in urgent need of blood, ensuring quick and easy access to compatible matches. Whether you’re looking to donate blood or require a donation, Plasma streamlines the process, helping to save lives through efficient networking and support within the community.
Install from Google Play Store

App stats

Users: 6,975
Version: 1.5.7 (Last updated: 2023-10-13)
Creation date: 2023-05-04
Location: approximate location (network-based), precise location (GPS and network-based)
  • receive data from Internet
  • view network connections
  • full network access
  • run at startup
  • control vibration
  • prevent device from sleeping


Other platforms

Plasma Integration (v2.0)
4.49 (266) 200,000
Plasma Integration (v1.9.1)
4.70 (459) 72,450
Plasma Integration (v2.0)
4.50 (26) 21,083
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App summary

Plasma is a blood donation app in Iraq that connects donors with those in need. Whether you need blood or want to donate, Plasma makes it easy to find compatible matches quickly and easily.

User reviews

App not load properly.. So much time taken by app in loading.
by Triratna P., 2024-10-11

Great app
by Ahmed Mohamed, 2023-08-28

Good app
by Mody Nero, 2023-08-26
View all user reviews

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