Feed Finder

FeedFinder provides reviews of the top breast feeding spots in your area

Total ratings

2.60 (Rating count: 349)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Excellent idea for breastfeeding mothers.
  • Can be helpful for finding feeding locations.
  • Saves the hassle of pumping and carrying milk.
  • Useful for getting out of the house without worrying about feeding.
  • Many users report the app doesn't find any locations.
  • Technical issues related to GPS and connectivity.
  • Requires more user-generated content to be effective.
  • Buggy performance with errors related to internet connection.
Most mentioned
  • Needs more places and user contributions.
  • Frequent connectivity and GPS issues.
  • Great concept but fails to deliver practical results.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 2.60
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40% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
C- O
Es excelente app
A Google user
excellent idea. breastfeeding needs to be more convenient for mums who are out and about. if you don't think there's enough places in your area - Add them!
A Google user
Doesn't know hardly any locations
A Google user
Absolute bull***t app! Doesnt show a single place in my area. Then to test it actually worked and it wasnt just that my city just didnt have any feed places, i put in cities like london liverpool and manchester. Low and behold still zero places came up and only asks for me to add stuff myself. Uninstalled this waste of time app.
A Google user
Excellent idea just needs more users to add to it, get sharing mums
A Google user
Very good idea and has been helpful at times. However, it clearly needs more publicity so more people review places and make it more useful.
A Google user
Useful. I'm adding places!! This will be quite useful but it plainly needs more places so that's what I'm doing
A Google user
It doesn't tell me anywhere near where I live so quite useless to me. Uninstalling.
A Google user
I just downloaded this app as when I'm out by myself I would like to be able to stop in at cafes etc where I'll feel comfortable feeding. Unfortunately the app just keeps on showing me lines of code; or tells me my wifi/roaming isn't turned on; or continuously loads. So disappointing.
A Google user
Saves pumping and taking milk with us
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