Cinta -Live Random Video Chat

Video Call, Live Chat,Meet Attractive Singles,Online Dating App

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3.42 (Rating count: 1,202)
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Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.42
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Date Author Rating Comment
Kenneth Flagler jr
Can you video call with iPhone on this app
Sarwo Edi
Good App. I've found lots of new friends here.
Michael Ake
Though I like the liveliness in the app I'm quite disappointed that you can't text without paying first
Kamboj saab
No earn money app no withdraw opention
Amit kumar
Everything is fake on this app please don't download it i already waste alot of money on it please guys don't do it.....
Don't download not freee! It's paid to chat! Head my words
Very Bad Platform! so expensive call hundred rupees per call minute video call girls black screen not good platform very bad platform here you can waste your money but not good platform very very very bed platformHundred rupees per minute call does not happen on any platform.
Shadev Singh
Very Bad Platform! so expensive call hundred rupees per call minute video call girls black screen not good platform very bad platform here you can waste your money but not good platform very very very bed platformHundred rupees per minute call does not happen on any platform. Yes, but on their platform there is a hundred rupees per minute ₹7000 only for 70 minutes calls
simon patent
Money pit. Must buy coins to do ANYTHING. Lots of girls hassling you to basically spend money on chats. Beware.
Haha fake apps. Ade org tnya mcm mne pkpb kt tempat aku?? Ingt aku bodob mcm creater apps ni. Pkpb da xwujud.. haha lol.. jgn install.. apps ni mintk topup/diamond utk bls dgn girl yg konon2 ajak vc.. lol.. poor apps
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