Ghost Killer

Hold, aim, shoot the ghosts and clean the haunted houses!

Total ratings

4.21 (Rating count: 1,067)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good graphics
  • Simple and easy gameplay
  • Cool idea and mechanics
  • Excessive ads after almost every level
  • Game is too simple and lacks challenge
  • Repetitive gameplay
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Need for a paid ad-free version
  • Levels are too easy and short
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 4.21
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Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
Simple and fun game but way too many ads. After each kill is pretty excessive
A Google user
Too many ads through out the game and there is no way to turn it off. The buttons dont work half the time and the fact that it's barely making it a 4 star game is ridiculous. I really hope somebody try's to make the game a little more challenging but I highly doubt they will.
A Google user
Fun game and great visual to mechanic ratio. But the ads every other level that are 25+ seconds each breaks the momentum and ruins the fun.
A Google user
Disappointing! Cool if a bit crude monsters but its not enough. Puzzles were boring shoot em all, no figuring, no challenge, or set shots gameplay. Thought I could look at beaten boss designs in a menu selection but just blacked out pics. Then bosses and puzzles start recycling and with as many ads they throw (I dont mind ads for good gameplay) it wasnt worth it! Great effort in graphics but less recycling with more challenge and reward (bestiary). Its so much lost potential and average at best!
A Google user
WAY TOO MANY ADS! An ad after every level. Some are short 10-15sec, most are 30sec. Good graphics, easy gameplay. TOO MANY ADS! Uninstalled the game after 1 day.
A Google user
Too many ads. I looked to a paid version that would be add free, but I dont see one. I like this game and would pay for it!!
A Google user
AD CENTRAL!!!! Honestly, it's a 5 second game, then BOOM! 30 second ad. Not worth it.
A Google user
Unplayable. Ads interrupt everything. Immediately deleting. Would have loved this game if ads weren't shoving me out of gameplay every fifteen seconds.
A Google user
If there wasnt an ad, literally, after every single level, this game would be alright. An after each boss would be fine.
A Google user
here's an idea stop making stupid video games if you have to have a dumb stupid add after every single step you can't even get into the game and play it!!
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