CAINIAO - 让集运转运更简单
CAINIAO - 让集运转运更简单 is an Android app developed by Alibaba's Cainiao Network, designed to streamline cross-border shopping from major platforms. Offering fast air shipping from China to the US in as little as 5 days, the app provides new users with exclusive coupons, a dedicated customer service experience, and secure package management with damage compensation. Enjoy cost-saving features such as free storage for 90 days and convenient one-on-one service throughout the purchase and delivery process.
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By: 菜鳥
Rating: 3.73
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Size: 39.45M
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# 74,406
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App summary
CAINIAO APP由阿里巴巴旗下菜鸟网络开发,支持淘宝、天猫、拼多多、京东等大型网购平台包裹合单。
• 更快捷—中国寄美国空运最快5个工作日送达,晚必赔,包裹送货上门无需自提
• 更优惠—新用户送空运免首重优惠券,免费体验5日达空运服务
• 更方便—使用菜鸟专属集运仓地址下单,享受更优惠购物价格,想买啥就买啥
• 更划算—自营仓库90天免费仓储,多包裹到仓后一起合单,免费提供拆包降抛服务省运费
• 更安全—包裹破损丢失必赔付,最多赔付5000元货值,阿里巴巴集团出品,安全有保障,不用担心丢货问题
• 更省心—提供专属一对一客服管家,保障包裹从购买到收货全链路专人服务
User reviews
- Integration with Taobao is convenient
- Affordable shipping prices
- Reliable tracking information
- Good customer service in English
- Fast delivery and reasonable shipping fees
- Unstable app causing errors
- Ineffective customer service that doesn't resolve issues
- Language barrier with most communication in Chinese
- Delayed deliveries and lost packages
- Difficulties with account registration and login
Most mentioned
- Customer service is ineffective
- App stability issues
- Integration with Taobao
- Affordable shipping
User reviews
Be careful when using their services. When a package lost in their warehouse, it may take months to find. I have an experience where there are 2 packages was lost in their warehouse and only 1 discovered lately. It is already more than a month. There is no respond on compensation. Their customer services just ask you to wait for 3 working days on and on.
Well they don't deliver my orders on time and they get another company to deliver my orders as Nd I don't like them cause I think there keeping some of my packages at there warehouse when there supposed to deliver my packages as soon as they come in so they get the big 1 star and if it were up to me I wouldn't ship with them at all
What is particularly good is that I am clearly informed of every link in the transportation of the goods. I have gone through the sea transportation service several times. Because it takes a long time, I understand the situation and I feel more at ease. The customer service contact and communication are also relatively timely. I strongly recommend it.
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