Calculator - unit converter

Your most simple, handy, and stylish calculator with unit converter!

Calculator - Unit Converter for Android

"Calculator - unit converter" is a user-friendly Android app that combines a powerful calculator with a versatile unit converter. It features basic and advanced calculations, a unit converter for length, area, weight, volume, speed, and more. With a simple interface, swipe gesture modes, trigonometric functions, easy edit options, history display, and a floating calculator function, it meets all your calculating needs. Compatible with Android 4.1 and above.
Install from Google Play Store

App stats

Version: VARY (Last updated: 2019-02-27)
Creation date: 2014-06-30


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App summary

Calculator is now available for all Android devices running version 4.1 and above!
Make easy calculations with ASUS Calculator. This app has simple yet intuitive interface that lets you calculate fast, smooth, and easy. It provides all kinds of features that meet your calculating needs and demands.

Key features
* Unit converter
Conversion of Length, area, weight, volume, speed

* Basic or root operators
+, -, ×, ÷

* Swipe left/right to switch views
Swipe left for standard mode, swipe right for other operators

* Standard mode/Scientific mode
Tilt to switch between standard mode and scientific mode

* Other operators
Like %, √, !, π, e,log,ln

* Trigonometric functions in degree or radians
sin,cos,tan, in DEG or RAD

* Easy edit operations
Such as cut, copy, or paste of results in any editing app

* History display
Easy to see your previous calculations via History display

* Floating calculator
Floating Calculator app for quick calculations

* Auto-adjustment of the font size
Fit more digits on the display

* Thousand separators
Helps you count the numbers easily

* Allows a combination of operators in one expression
e.g. √(125÷5) + sin(30x3)

* Easy edit of the inputs using a cursor
Like add, delete, or change a number/operator

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Clean and simple UI
  • Useful measurements and updated currency conversions
  • Includes unit and currency converters
  • Fast and easy to use
  • No ads
  • Currency converter not updating since 2016, shows connection issues
  • Limited functionalities compared to other calculator apps like Google
  • Missing specific calculators (e.g., GST, loan calculators)
  • Scientific mode is difficult to access
  • History extraction and editing functions are limited
Most mentioned
  • Currency converter issues
  • User interface feedback
  • Basic calculator functionality
  • Absence of certain calculator features
  • General ease of use
User reviews
by Anonymous, Invalid Date

Works exactly expected with a clean and simple UI. It provides useful measurements and updated currency conversions. No need to go look for an alternative if one's use cases are basic
by Mbofhano, 2023-01-02

ASUS factory installed calculator, that is all the calculator you would ever need. It's not only the calculator but also a unit converter, which features a crazy good currency converter, mainly due to it being highly modifiable. Well.... In my opinion the best currency converter, out of all stand-alone currency converter apps I've tried. The best calculator application I have used on Android.
by Fransisco Blond, 2022-08-08
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