클럽5678 - 실시간 동네친구 찾기

Create a relationship with members around you at Club 5678!

클럽5678 - 동네친구 찾기 앱

클럽5678 - 실시간 동네친구 찾기 is a mobile app that allows users to find and connect with nearby members through real-time chat, quick meetings, and face-to-face video calls. Users can share their daily lives, hobbies, and interests, while enjoying various features like voice/video messaging and multi-chat. It emphasizes safety and complies with the Youth Protection Act, offering a fun and engaging way to meet new friends in your area.
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App stats

Version: 2.6.456 (Last updated: 2025-01-03)
Version code: 456
Creation date: 2016-10-03
  • android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
  • android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT
  • android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN
  • android.permission.CALL_PHONE
  • android.permission.CAMERA
  • android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE
  • See more
Size: 205.85M


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App summary

You can enjoy Club 5678 on your mobile phone by simply signing up.

★Check the members around you right away - real-time chat😍
Based on your registered address and location, you can check members of the opposite sex who are connected near your connection area.

★Administrator Certification Kingka Queenka – Photo Meeting😍
The Best members that are most popular among members are updated every day, and you can check the ranking of photos certified by the administrator in real time by male/female, and chat with members who are online right away.

★Chat about your daily life! – Talk & Talk😍
Share your daily life with your friends! Share your hobbies, daily life, travel, restaurants, etc. with your friends and meet them!

★Unconditionally faster than others – quick meeting😍
Quick Meeting is a place where only members who want to meet quickly gather, and you can check the purpose, time, and location of the meeting at a glance. If you want to meet the person you want faster than others, try using the quick meeting menu.

★Let’s talk face to face – quick conversation😍
How about having a face-to-face conversation instead of a frustrating chat? Enjoy face-to-face video chatting anywhere in the world through high-definition, fast conversation.

★Available anytime, anywhere – real-time notifications😍
You can check visitors, friend management, messages, favorites, etc. with real-time notifications without having to log in.
Don't miss the visit of the opposite sex you're interested in and make sure to make her your girlfriend.

★Message in voice and video – special message😍
Now, when sending a message, send it with voice and video!
You can deliver a message in a more unique way through voice and video than through text!

★Share various joys through video – Video Show😍
Register a variety of fun videos with your own personality, such as singing, dancing, and special skills.
You can share and communicate with multiple members through ‘Like’!

★Chat with audio and video – multi-chat😍
Start talking about anything big or small with multiple members through multi-chat, which includes not only text but also voice and video!

This app strictly complies with the Youth Protection Act and is not intended for prostitution. User caution is required as it may contain content harmful to young people.

1. Any act of arranging, soliciting, luring, or coercing prostitution, including children and adolescents, or engaging in prostitution is subject to criminal punishment and is strictly prohibited in this service.
2. Obscene or sensational profile photos, postings that encourage unhealthy encounters by comparing the genitals or sexual acts, etc. are against the rules of use of this service and distribution is prohibited.

★ Permissions required when installing the app
[Required access rights]
- Required access rights: None

[Optional access rights]
- Nearby devices: Permission to search for devices to pair with nearby devices (Android 12.0 or higher).
- Microphone: Permission to use video chat and content
- Contacts: Permission to find friends based on the device's contacts.
- Location: Permission for location-based services such as member search and location information transmission.
- Storage permission: Permission to register, transmit and save photos/videos/files.
- Phone: Permission to call customer service and make phone calls.
- Camera: Permission required to register profile/personal photo.

※Even if you do not agree to the optional access permission, you can use the service excluding the functions of the permission.

User reviews

I'm the first person who spoke in english in here!😄
by Sheev Palpatine, 2021-04-17
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