Factory Simulator

Factory Simulator: build products on an assembly line, sell and earn

Factory Simulator - Build, Sell, and Earn

"Factory Simulator" is an engaging Android app for automation enthusiasts where you can design complex production chains to build and sell products. Enjoy bright graphics, create over 30 items, and unlock 70+ achievements. With more than 20 devices and hundreds of components to enhance your factory, you can produce everything from household gadgets to supercomputers. Upcoming updates promise new devices, animations, and market features to enrich your gameplay experience.
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App stats

Version: 1.4.4(63) (Last updated: 2024-12-13)
Version code: 63
Creation date: 2020-02-05
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • com.android.vending.BILLING
  • com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE
  • com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID
Size: 13.34M


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App summary

A true paradise for the automation lover awaits you:
- Bright, juicy graphics
- Over 20 different devices
- Dozens of blueprints to improve devices
- Over 30 items to manufacture
- Over 70 game achievements
- Several hundred components to enhance devices and craft items
- Ability to create complex production chains

Create various household devices, going from mining and processing ore, creating wires, circuits, engines, and ending with the assembly of devices using an assembly machine
Create speakers, a hairdryer, a refrigerator and even a supercomputer!

In the next updates, we plan to make the game even better!
In our factory simulator will appear soon:
- New generators
- New devices
- Animation of all devices
- New opportunities to improve devices
- Multiblock devices
- "Live market"

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Enjoyable gameplay with a good automation experience.
  • No intrusive ads or forced premium currency.
  • Depth and complexity that appeals to fans of the genre.
  • No offline progress, requiring the game to be open for advancements.
  • Early game is slow and can feel tedious.
  • Several bugs and technical issues affecting gameplay.
Most mentioned
  • Lack of offline progression
  • Slow early game with difficulties in expansion
  • Crashing issues and other technical bugs
User reviews
Zero negatives about this game. None at all, it is immersive and fun but also challenging. Absolute perfection. Edit: Could also add a way to make plastic and also add a 3d printer so more to add to the factory. Edit 2: Could also make the early game orders more easily available to early game resources, stuff like bronse plates, or iorn or tin rods, or tin and copper wire, electronic components 1 and 2, thanks this is my favorite game so don't stop i think it's awesome
by Jennifer Patrick, 2025-01-21

Excellent factory game, easily one of the best in the ENTIRE play store hands down. The biggest glaring issue, is that there is ZERO offline gain at all. Like others have also pointed out, I'm not going to leave a game open for 24 hours to research one item,or even produce the proper amount of products and items. Once this is implemented, it will easily earn a 5 star rating, until then it's lacking.
by Gilbert Grand, 2024-12-28

Very enjoyable, one major flaw. When feeding machines wrong materials for thier settings, that material is "lost". The material should really be rejected through the output of the machine. The item colors are only slightly different and, there's a lot of recipes to remember. It's easy (midgame & later) to send 500+ of the wrong item into a machine just to loose it. Side futon this glaring issue, it's a well crafted game.
by C Brown, 2023-10-06
View all user reviews

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