Bolsagro Móvil

Bolsagro Mobile is an application developed for the agricultural sector.

Bolsagro Móvil

App stats

By: Bolsagro
Users: 1,320
Version: 1.5 (Last updated: 2024-09-22)
Creation date: 2018-09-25

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App summary

The application of Bolsagro Móvil is a tool developed for mobile devices with the aim of providing price information of agricultural products in the national and international market. In this way we expand and improve the communication of buyers, sellers of products, local and regional producers.

We facilitate direct contact between the different suppliers of inputs, machinery and agricultural and industrial services as it strengthens direct communication through each and every one of the different registered agricultural stores.

The application of Bolsagro Móvil provides access through its section of agricultural product offers, from which producers will benefit from being able to buy raw materials and thus negotiate directly with their suppliers and customers.

We provide climate information, which allows you to make better decisions regarding the production activities of your crops and take timely action in adverse situations that may negatively impact crops.

The Bolsagro Móvil application provides links to news from the agricultural and agribusiness world, provides access to good practice manuals to improve farmers' harvests, crop protection information, irrigation techniques and more.

Bolsagro Móvil, suggests that all users keep their device's operating system updated in order to obtain a good end-user experience with the application.


1) Publication of prices of products of the national and international agricultural sector.
2) Climate
3) Publication of product offers.
4) Directory of agricultural stores.
5) User profile management.
6) Administration of registered user favorites.
7) Prices of national and regional fuels.
8) Administration and registration of offers.
9) Statistics of agricultural products.
10) Events calendar.
11) Agricultural calculator.
12) Prices of raw materials.
13) News of the agricultural sector.
14) Library of documents about good practices in the agricultural sector.
15) Prices of products in the bag.
16) Prices of agricultural products in Central America.
17) Exchange rate information.
18) Notifications
        * News.
* Product prices.
* Product publication.
* Publication of new stores.
* Publication of new events.
* Publication of documents of new practices.