Just Jumble

America’s Favorite Newspaper Word Puzzle in this marvelous app, JUST JUMBLE!

Total ratings

4.77 (Rating count: 24,603)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and challenging puzzles
  • Minimal ad interruptions
  • Good nostalgia factor, reminiscent of newspaper puzzles
  • Relaxing gameplay
  • Variety of puzzle formats (bonus mode and cartoon prompts)
  • Increased ads reported, intrusive after updates
  • Difficulty level feels easier compared to newspaper version
  • Lack of a stats screen for tracking progress
  • Low coin rewards for solving puzzles
  • Technical issues with lost progress or freezing
Most mentioned
  • Ads detracting from the experience
  • Desire for more challenging puzzles
  • Wish for a stats or leaderboard feature
  • Problems with lost progress or data
  • Positive overall enjoyment of the game
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Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.77
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Date Author Rating Comment
Dark Majiks
I always do these in the paper & also bought a 8 pack of the PennyPress Jumbles but I wanted it on my phone too. I'm shocked that unlike most apps you didn't get greedy & flood the game with ads. Tysm!! I do wish you could track your best time as I like to speed solve them. Maybe a stats screen that showed how many you've solved, best time, etc. I also wish the bonus round came before the picture riddle & the letters were circled so it is more like the newspaper. But fantastic game!
Karolyn Preiss
My Dad used to do these puzzles in the paper every morning. Us kids would try to solve them before he could because they were too fun. Those ones, of course, had the clue puzzles which led to the answer puzzles, so there was a little more to it. (Versus just having the bonus jumbles.) Still, it was great finding this app. It reminds me so much of my dad and the time spent on the morning paper each day. Feels like time travel to a bygone era!! 😜
Susan Flowers
Always fun to play. Really keeps my brain challenged & sharp. There is a resign button if you want to quit. But I never use the resign button. If I don't finish a puzzle, when I exit out, I lose that puzzle or bonus. I wood like to see something there, where I can save the puzzle or bonus I haven't finished, so I can go back to it when I return to the Just Jumble app. Thank you for this great game.
Rabid Tribble
Fantastic puzzles, great app. The presence of only minimal ads and distractions allows you to focus on relaxing and completing puzzles. You can complete just the final answer to the cartoon prompts (the default mode) or the full four-jumbles + cartoon format like in the paper ("bonus" mode). Truly nice commentary from the creators.
Dave King
This was one of the most funnest games I ever did play. I don't allow many games on my phone and I'm sorry to see this one end. I wish it had stats at the end. I have 25,000 coins and never bought one hint. Privately knowing my standing would be preferable to a leaderboard. I know I'm not the smartest or close to the top 25 but I'll bet I'm in the top 100. Yay!! They added 84 new levels in 04/'23. I have something to do for another couple hours. Best puzzle ever. Amen!
Gail Lowy
I was excited when I found this app. After jumping in with both feet into what I was hoping was the deep end of the pool, I was disappointed to learn that I merely landed in the kiddie pool. The game is easier than in the newspaper, I suspect to appeal to a broader audience. I've played roughly 20 games and have noticed no increase in difficulty. Still, I am enjoying it immensely, and it's now one of my favorite games. I'm upping my rating to five stars in spite of my wanting more challenges.
Timothy Riener
Just came back to this game to start playing it again. Big mistake! The ads are so pervasive and intrusive that it has ruined the gameplay. You finish a game and you are required to sit thru a couple ads for other games. I'm actually going to uninstall this game. Too bad. The game is really enjoyable... The experience of playing it is not!
I really enjoyed it, challenging and interesting. I am upset having to delete the game because I could not solve one. I gave up last night, hoped we would go to another word. Not without buying more points. If I had an account to do that I would have, but am not connecting my bank account to the phone. I am elderly, that is one of the things we are warned to Never do..... I am disappointed as it is hard to find something that IS actually challenging. it deserves a 5, but I went with 4.
Sally M
This game is just challenging enough to be in the category of games that require thinking, not just matching shapes and finding things. But it's also not hard, and it's "cute" and fun. The little jokes that are in the final captions are clever, and I appreciate the fact that they and the cartoons are created by actual people! It's a fun little pastime that's not stressful.
David Goldberg
This is reasonably good, but I bought coins to get rid of the ads. That worked for a while but in the last couple days the ads are back. What gives? Update: ads have become way more annoying, not even offering a way to mute them, and it's still not clear what the rules are on how much ad free time one gets for a given amount of coins. I'm done with it.
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