What’s your ACTIVE?

Total ratings

3.37 (Rating count: 2,874)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps users find events
  • Convenient for organizing events in one place
  • Sync issues between app and web account
  • App frequently shows errors or fails to retrieve events
  • Poor interface and functionality
  • Unwanted location requests every time when searching for races
  • Inability to filter events properly
Most mentioned
  • Users experience syncing problems with their accounts
  • App fails to display events users are registered for
  • General dissatisfaction with app functionality and bugs
See reviews for ACTIVE on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 3.37
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65% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ling Lam
The app doesn't sync to your web account.
Santos Hernandez
Un authorized charges-no service
Patrick Colmenar
App is worthless. Doesn't show any of the events I'm registered for.
jack caulfield
Benefits page doesn't work! Can't see deals. results doesn't work basically just steals your money! Avoid at all costs! P.s there having trouble page also doesn't work so you can't complain!
David G
A poorly laid out app that is confusing, has _very_ poor readability on your phone, limited editing abilities, and fields that don't work or are buggy. Not Recommended
Whitney Jordan
I find a lot of races on here, but I don't like the app asking for my location EVERY time I click on a race when searching. This is something new, as I've used this app for years.
A Google user
It sometimes shows my tickets and some events when I search but that's it. Need to add a feature that makes people able to transfer Open tickets to specific events and also show the QR of tickets that have been purchased. Seeing a ticket there does nothing for me if I can't scan it. For now I'm better off just using the website and deleting the app since it has no convenient features for me.
Hasan ibn-Sabah
I had this app for the Army 10 Miler last year, and this company truly botched that, cancelled the in person run and kept the money. Shady. This app is nearly devoid of functionality, and what it does offer is buggy. Beware of the sneaky way they charge you for a premium membership if you sign up for a 'free' event!
I wanted an app for all my events to be put in one place. This app does that! But other than that, it's rudimentary. Active could do so so much more to engage their users and make this a haven for activity lovers.
Florian Lang
App can't bring up the races I've paid to run, so I can't even run them. Always get a "Failed to retrieve events" error. Garbage app and garbage company, charging people for a service that doesn't even work.
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