Belajar Dari Tiga Ulama Syam

Explanation of the Purpose of Learning from Three Syam Scholars by Muhammad Mufid, Lc.

Belajar Dari Tiga Ulama Syam

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Version: 5.0 (Last updated: 2024-08-06)
Creation date: 2023-06-26

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App summary

This Android application is an Explanation About the Purpose of Learning from Three Syam Scholars by Muhammad Mufid, Lc.. In Pdf format.

Learn From Three Phenomenal and Inspirational Syam Scholars

While reading Dr. Nizar Abazhah entitled Fi Bait al-Rasul which was published by Dar al-Fikr in 2007 I immediately fell in love. Later, the book was translated into Indonesian under the title Bilik-Bilik Cinta Muhammad Zaman, 2014.

In his book, Sheikh Nizar nicely reviews the daily stories of the Prophet's household coherently and then at the end of the book he reviews lessons that can be contemplated in this life.

This book tries to follow the style of writing above to review the biographies of figures who according to the author are very worthy of being emulated and even admired by Muslims. At the end of the book, the author presents a valuable lesson from the values ​​exemplified by this character. The three Sham scholars are Sheikh Mustafa Ahmad Az-Zarqa, Sheikh Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al-Buthi, Sheikh Wahbah Mustafa az-Zuhaili.

The figures above are figures who can inspire Muslims in the modern era. Simplicity in living their lives reminds us of the noble role model, Rasulullah. They are the heirs and successors of the Prophet's preaching, who are truly sincere. His whole life is only for knowledge and charity and preaching. They are noble role models in the present era.

In the midst of a culture of hedonism and materialism this book is very relevant to contemplate. In the midst of globalization which leaves many challenges, this book provides a lot of information about the ideal side of life for a Muslim person who has religious knowledge, how to behave and live life in moderation.

This book is still far from perfect. Despite this, we hope that this book will be recorded as a good deed and hope that it will inspire many people.

Hopefully the material content of this application can be useful for self-introspection and better improvement in everyday life.

Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give a 5 star rating to encourage us in developing other useful applications.

Happy reading.

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