Random Number Generator

From 0 to 99999, it's possible to make at most 999 random numbers.

Random Number Generator - Generate Random Numbers

"Random Number Generator" is an Android app that allows users to generate up to 999 random numbers ranging from 0 to 99999. Ideal for games like lotto and dice, this user-friendly app lets you set minimum and maximum values, choose the quantity of numbers, and select sorting preferences. You can also choose to allow duplicate numbers and quickly copy generated results to your clipboard with a simple button press.
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App stats

By: Blue Rock
Rating: 3.40
Version: 1.17 (Last updated: 2019-10-13)
Creation date: 2015-03-01
Other: view network connections, full network access


Other platforms

Random Number Generator (v3.0.1)
5.00 (4) 800
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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App summary

From 0 to 99999, it's possible to make at most 999 random numbers.
Use this app when you choose numbers of lotto or need dice etc.

How to use:
1. Input number into Min(minimum), Max(maximum), and Qty.

2. Select sort type, S(from small number to large number) or L(large to small) or R(random).

3. If "Same" is checked, there is chances to generate same number.

4. Push "G/C" button. Random number is generated and copied to the clipboard.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good generator app
  • Useful for lottery forecasting
  • Numbers remain after closing the app
  • App hangs and becomes unresponsive
  • Issues with removing and computing numbers
Most mentioned
  • Excellent
  • Great app for lotto forecast
  • Confusion over app functionality
User reviews
Very successful prediction royal
by S Peeter, 2024-06-23

Full view.complate number.
by Bernardo Alido, 2023-01-06

good generator app. but it gives daily right lucky numbers for lottery or not?
by Ah Bo, 2022-08-14
View all user reviews

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