Hiper Cap Mogi

Hiper Cap Brasil is a Capitaliz Bond. of the Award-Winning Philanthropy Modality

Hiper Cap Mogi - Transform Lives with Capitalization Bonds

"Hiper Cap Mogi" is an innovative app that allows users to purchase Capitalization Bonds to win prizes while contributing to the Hospital de Amor. Enjoy convenient payment options, real-time draws, and the chance to gift titles to loved ones. Accessible anywhere with immediate updates and historical winning data, the app empowers thousands to change their lives for the better through philanthropy. Join now and be part of a transformative community!
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Version: (Last updated: 2025-01-17)


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App summary

The App that changes the lives of thousands of people every week.
And with many advantages:
- Purchase up to 1 hour before the draw, wherever you are;
- Convenience to pay with Pix, card or wallet balance;
- Add balance to your wallet with Pix or bank slip;
- Check the results and history of thousands of winners;
- Do you want to give someone a gift? Give this special person a title;
- First-hand information directly in the app;
- Personalized, facilitated and dynamic service;
- See all titles purchased in the app.
There are already thousands of people who have changed their lives, and you could be the next!
By purchasing the title, you also help Hospital de Amor - 49.150.352/0001-12.
*THE SALE OF CAPITALIZATION SECURITIES TO MINORS UNDER 16 YEARS OF AGE IS PROHIBITED, ART. 3rd, I OF THE CIVIL CODE. Capitalization Title of the Single Contribution Premium Philanthropy Modality, issued by CAPEMISA Capitalização S/A, CNPJ 14.056.028/0001-55, approved by the SUSEP Process that appears in the title. LOCAL CONTACT: (13) 3233-1967. SAC 0800 940 1130. OMBUDSMAN 0800 707 4936, Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.
**Before hiring, consult the General Conditions in advance. The contractual conditions/regulations for this product filed by the company with SUSEP can be consulted at www.susep.gov.br, according to the process number contained in the proposal. Prizes free of income tax.
***When purchasing the Title, the subscriber assigns 100% of the right to redeem his Title to Hospital de Amor - 49.150.352/0001-12.

User reviews

Otimo app muito interativo!
by Uiliam Bandeira, 2021-08-12

App muito prático e facil de usar, porém envia muitas notificações e não permite desabilitar o envio de notificações.
by A Google user, 2019-10-27
View all user reviews

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