Opcode 8085

Convert 8085 microprocessor program to hex codes on a fly!

Opcode 8085 - Hex Code Converter for 8085 Programs

"Opcode 8085" is an Android app designed to convert 8085 microprocessor programs into hex codes effortlessly. No more manual lookups in manuals; simply input your program, and the app provides the corresponding hex codes. It offers features like intuitive error checking, the ability to open and save files in .asm format, auto-saving, dark mode for comfortable use in low light, and syntax highlighting to enhance your coding experience. Ideal for anyone working with the 8085 microprocessor kit.
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App stats

By: BaltiApps
Users: 13,462
Version: 3.1 (Last updated: 2017-12-08)
Creation date: 2017-08-22
Photos/Media/Files: read the contents of your USB storage, modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
Storage: read the contents of your USB storage, modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
Other: view network connections, full network access


Other platforms

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Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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App summary

Get rid of continuously looking into manuals to find corresponding hex codes for your microprocessor programs. Feed your program to this app, and it will produce the hex codes for you!


# Extremely useful when feeding program to 8085 microprocessor kit. No hassles of code conversion.
# Intuitive error checking
# Open and save files in .asm format.
# Auto saving of files.
# Dark mode - eases use in dark conditions.
# Syntax highlighting

1. Storage access - open and save files to sd card.

User reviews

Thank you sir
by Zaher Elc, 2020-12-16

Very good app
by A Google user, 2020-02-11

Easy and discribe the bit use
by A Google user, 2020-01-09
View all user reviews

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