
Gen Z's Alcoholic Playground


App stats

By: Vinely
Users: 22
Version: 2.1.0 (Last updated: 2024-04-09)
Creation date: 2023-02-14

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App summary

Are you a wine enthusiast looking for the perfect way to keep track of all your favorite vintages and experiences? Look no further! Our wine journaling app is here to help you record every sip and swirl. With a user-friendly interface and features like aroma and taste tracking, photo posting, and ratings, you can fully immerse yourself in the wine world. Plus, share your wine journey with others on your public profile. Download the app today and start sipping your way to vino heaven!

Vinely Key Features:
• Easy and Fun recording experience with interactive tasting notes.
• Share tasting notes and ratings with friends.
• Share profile with friends. Vinely creates personalized website for each user with QR code and basic profile info.

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