Soroban 29

Soroban(Abacus) 29.

Soroban 29 - Digital Abacus App

"Soroban 29" is a user-friendly Android app that simulates a traditional Soroban (abacus) with 29 digits. Designed for both learning and calculation, this app allows users to master the art of mental mathematics. With its intuitive interface, it offers a great way to enhance arithmetic skills and understand numeric operations, making it suitable for students, educators, and anyone interested in improving their calculation speed and accuracy.
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App stats

Users: 4,719
Version: 1.0.7 (Last updated: 2020-10-29)
Creation date: 2018-04-23
  • view network connections
  • full network access
  • run at startup
  • control vibration
  • prevent device from sleeping

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App summary

29 digits Soroban(Abacus).

User reviews

I love it so good abacus super😍😍😊😊
by Rakesh Pandey, 2021-07-25

So good and i learn abacus
by Mokshada Zope, 2020-11-09

So fantastic
by Kalpana Narkhede, 2020-11-09
View all user reviews

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